Tears and Ashes

This is no sad poetry,
They are no lines written in agony
This is a story
Written without gluttony
Written without pride
Written without any obscurity…

The smokes twirled all around the room
Like flying snakes
The haze became art
Tears fell down without pain
Mind became free
The wings grew unknowingly…

The sadness disappeared 
The ashes became dust 
And flew all over me

Days of glory kissed my sunken cheek
It made me alive
I felt your silent whisper
I felt the frosty snow…

The tears fell into the ashes
And they flew away
Like those nameless smokes
Away from me, away from me…

1 comment

Aparna Gautam said...

The picture and these lines.. wow! I almost felt I am seeing this whole thing live! I felt something melting inside my heart. saying that it is written beautifully will be like putting it mildly.. but truth is this is a mature individual would handle the harsh realities of live.

Cheers to you Pallav!!
