The Man with Half a Million Secrets is a unique blog that publishes Human Secrets. This blog instantly touches your heart’s innermost chord. Frank Warren started this blog out of curiosity as he was struggling with his own private secrets but his idea soon became a phenomenon amid people like him who wanted to express their secrets anonymously. became the ultimate destination of dark, humorous and touching secrets. You discover so much about life when you read those postcards aloud. The tales of sorrow, humiliation, rejection, loneliness sent by anonymous people have so much to tell. Frank’s idea of crowdsourcing secrets inspired many others. His blog prevented many suicides. He gave people a passage to express their dark secrets with the world. Amid the hustle and bustle of daily life, amid the chaos and harmony, there’s a secret within everyone that keeps lurking like an unwanted shadow. gives you a podium to cast off those lurking shadows permanently.

Frank Warren: Half a Million Secrets

Author: Pallav Gogoi

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